How to format your requests to the Support team

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When addressing your Labels & Artists Support team, you should provide them with all the information they may need to resolve your issues in a timely matter.

Here are the most commun requests the Support team gets and what information you should provide along with these requests:

  • Metadata changes

If you need to correct any metadata field in a particular release, you should send your Support team:

  1. Your client number
  2. Release’s name
  3. Release’s UPC
  4. Metadata field(s) to be corrected
  5. Correction(s) to be made
  6. Track number (if applicable)
  • Cover artwork replacement

If you wish to replace your release’s cover artwork, note that you will do so directly in your Backstage, but you will need to ask your Support team to give you editing rights to the cover. Send them the following information:

  1. Your client number
  2. Release’s name
  3. Release’s UPC

The release will appear under “Releases to correct” in the Catalog section of your Backstage. Automatic updates will be sent to the DMS.

  • Audio file replacement

Like the cover artwork replacement, audio file corrections will be made by you directly in your Backstage, after asking your Support team to give you audio re-uploading rights. Send them the following information:

  1. Your client number
  2. Release’s name
  3. Release’s UPC
  4. Track(s) number(s)
  5. Track(s) name(s)

The release will appear under “Releases to correct” in the Catalog section of your Backstage, where you may reupload your audio files. Automatic updates will be sent to the DMS.

  •  Artist page issues

If for some reason your album ended up in another artist’s page, please send the following information to your Support team:

  1. Your client number
  2. Release name
  3. Release’s UPC
  4. Release’s link(s) to the store(s) in question
  5. Artist name
  6. Artist’s page’s link to the store(s) in question

If there are other artists’ releases in your artist’s page and you wish to remove them, please send your Support team the following information:

  1. Your artist’s page link
  2. The link to the albums that should be removed from your artist’s page

If your request concerns your artist’s picture, please read this article.

  • Request for changing the preview timing:
  1. Your client number
  2. UPC code
  3. Track name and  number
  4. Timecode in seconds
  • Financial matters

If your query is about a payment issue, please read this article.

If you wish to request a financial report to which you don’t have access, please send your Support team the following:

  1. Your client number
  2. The name of the release(s) or artist(s)
  3. The timeframe for which you wish to generate the reports (start Month/Year + end Month/Year)


If you don’t know where to send your queries, you will find here a list of the Labels & Artists Support Team contact addresses.

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